
Lijst met bestanden waarvan de naam begint met de letter T

Bestandsnaam Software naam Omschrijving
tpmadmin.CHM Windows 8 Compiled HTML Help
tshoot.chm Windows XP Compiled HTML Help
twclient.chm Windows XP Compiled HTML Help
TXTLYT32.CNV Text with Layout Text with Layout Converter
tree.com Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Tree Walk Utility
TabletPC.cpl Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Tablet PC Control Panel
telephon.cpl Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Telephony Control Panel
timedate.cpl Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Time Date Control Panel Applet
target.cur Windows 8.1 Windows Cursor
TileCacheDefault-146953_80.dat Windows 8.1 Game Data
TileCacheDefault-510531_80.dat Windows 8 Game Data
TileCacheLogo-140250_100.dat Windows 8.1 Game Data
TileCacheLogo-510562_100.dat Office 2013 Game Data
TileCacheStartView-142000_80.dat Windows 8.1 Game Data
TileCacheStartView-510484_80.dat Office 2013 Game Data
TileCacheTickle-141968_80.dat Windows 8.1 Game Data
TileCacheTickle-509578_80.dat Office 2013 Game Data
tokens.dat Office 2010 Game Data
tsprint-datafile.dat Windows 10 Game Data
tzautoupdate.dat Windows 10 Game Data
thumbcache_1024.db Windows 7 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_1280.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_16.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_1600.db Windows 8.1 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_1920.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_256.db Office 2010 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_2560.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_32.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_48.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_768.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_96.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_custom_stream.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_exif.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_idx.db Office 2010 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_sr.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_wide.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
thumbcache_wide_alternate.db Windows 10 Mobile Device Database
TOC.DIB Office XP Device Independent Bitmap
t2embed.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft T2Embed Font Embedding
T3016.DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System برنامج تشغيل الطابعة T3016
Tabbtn.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Tablet PC Buttons Component
TabbtnEx.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Tablet PC Extended Buttons Component
TabIpsps.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
TableTextService.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
TableTextServiceMig.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System TableTextService Migration DLL
tabletoc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Tablet PC Component
tabskb.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
TabSvc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service
tapi.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
tapi3.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft TAPI3