
List of files which names starts with letter X

Filename Software name Description
xwizards.mof Windows 10 Managed Object Format
XAudio2_8.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System XAudio2 Game Audio API
XAudio2_9.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System XAudio2 Game Audio API
xbgmsvc.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Xbox Game Monitoring Service
XblAuthManager.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Xbox Live Auth Manager
XblGameSave.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Xbox Live Game Save Service
XboxGipRadioManager.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Xbox GIP Radio Manager
xboxgipsvc.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Xbox Gip Management Service
XHM3_0UI.DLL.mui Xerox HotPPD UI Plug-in. HotPPD UI Plug-in Module.
XInput1_4.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft Common Controller API
XInput9_1_0.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System XNA Common Controller
xlog.exe.mui Diva for Windows - Version 7.7 AMD64 Diva for Windows - Version 7.7 AMD64
XM3_0L.DLL.mui ResTempl2 Driver String Resource Module
XM3_0SMU.DLL.mui xrxsnmpu xrxsnmpu
XM3_0UI.DLL.mui Xerox PostScript 5 Plug-in Windows Printer Plug-In Module.
XM4500P.DLL.mui Xerox ui Printer Plug-in
XM5500P.DLL.mui Xerox ui Printer Plug-in
XM6250P.DLL.mui Xerox ui Printer Plug-in
XM6300P.DLL.mui Xerox ui Printer Plug-in
XM7400P.DLL.mui Xerox ui Printer Plug-in
XM7750P.DLL.mui Xerox ui Printer Plug-in
XM8400P.DLL.mui Xerox ui Printer Plug-in
XM8500P.DLL.mui Xerox ui Printer Plug-in
XMC2424P.DLL.mui Xerox ui Printer Plug-in
xmlfilter.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System XML Filter
XPCLRES1.DLL.mui Windows (R) 2000 DDK driver PCL5e Printer Driver
xpsfilt.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System XML Paper Specification Document IFilter
xpsrchvw.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System XPS Viewer
xpsshhdr.dll.mui Windows 7 Myriad User Instrument
XPSViewer.exe.mui Windows Vista Myriad User Instrument
XRPCLRES.DLL.mui Windows (R) 2000 DDK driver Printer Driver
xrTxtResCL0.DLL.mui Xerox Print Driver String Resource DLL
xrWCbgnd.dll.mui Xerox WorkCentre Xerox WorkCentre Pro
xrwcscci.dll.mui Xerox Workcentre Pro Scanner Driver Co-installer
xrwcscd.dll.mui WorkCentre/Pro WorkCentre/Pro Scanner Driver
xrwcscu.dll.mui Xerox WorkCentre/Pro Xerox WorkCentre Pro
xrwcstr.dll.mui Xerox WorkCentre/Pro Xerox WorkCentre Pro
xrWCtmg2.dll.mui Xerox WorkCentre Xerox WorkCentre Pro
xrwctmgt.dll.mui Xerox WorkCentre/Pro Xerox WorkCentre Pro
xrWPcoin.dll.mui Xerox WorkCentre Co-installer
xrWPcpl.dll.mui Xerox WorkCentre Control Panel UI Plug-in
xrWPcpst.dll.mui Xerox WorkCentre Control Panel UI Resource DLL
xrWPusd.dll.mui Xerox WorkCentre Xerox WorkCentre/Pro
XRXWM2.DLL.mui Printer Driver Print Driver Watermark Module
XUIM750.DLL.mui Xerox UI Plugin Print Driver UI Plugin.
XUIM760.DLL.mui Xerox UI Plugin Print Driver UI Plugin.
xwizard.exe.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Extensible Wizards Host Process
xwizards.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Extensible Wizards Manager Module
XWPR_A.DLL.mui Print Driver Document Centre Product Res DLL
xwtpdui.dll.mui Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Extensible Wizard Type Plugin for DUI