
List of files which names starts with letter I

Filename Software name Description
INISC303.PPD Windows 7 PostScript Printer Description
ie8props.propdesc Windows 7 Windows Search Property Description
ie9props.propdesc Windows 8.1 Windows Search Property Description
IEBrowseWeb_TroubleShooter.ps1 Windows 8.1 Windows PowerShell Script
IEsecuritysettings.ps1 Windows 8.1 Windows PowerShell Script
IESecurity_TroubleShooter.ps1 Windows 8.1 Windows PowerShell Script
In.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
In.Tests.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
InModuleScope.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
InModuleScope.Tests.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
InteractiveRes.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
It.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
It.Tests.ps1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script
It.snippets.ps1xml Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Types
IEBrowseWeb_TroubleShooter.psd1 Windows 8.1 Windows PowerShell Data
IESecurity_TroubleShooter.psd1 Windows 8.1 Windows PowerShell Data
ImportAllModules.psd1 Windows 7 Windows PowerShell Data
International.psd1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Data
iSCSI.psd1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Data
ise.psd1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Data
ise.psm1 Windows 10 Windows PowerShell Script Module
ieframe.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
IME-EAShared-CoreTIP.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
IME-Japanese-CoreTIPJPNProfile.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
IME-Simplified-Chinese-TIPProfile.ptxml Windows 8 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
IME-Traditional-Chinese-TIP_Profile.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
imkrtip.ptxml Windows 8.1 Windows PerfTrack XML Data
icrav03.rat Windows 8.1 PICS Rating
Invoke_22050hz.raw Windows 10 Raw Image Data
Indexed Locations.search-ms Windows 10 Windows Vista Index Search Data
InstallCommon.sql Windows 10 Structured Query Language Data
InstallMembership.sql Windows 10 Structured Query Language Data
InstallPersistSqlState.sql Windows 10 Structured Query Language Data
InstallPersonalization.sql Windows 10 Structured Query Language Data
InstallProfile.SQL Windows 10 Structured Query Language Data
InstallRoles.sql Windows 10 Structured Query Language Data
InstallSqlState.sql Windows 10 Structured Query Language Data
InstallSqlStateTemplate.sql Windows 10 Structured Query Language Data
InstallWebEventSqlProvider.sql Windows 10 Structured Query Language Data
instcat.sql Windows XP Structured Query Language Data
idstore.sst Office 2010 Serialized Certificate Store
intro.swf Windows XP Shockwave Flash Movie
i2omgmt.sys Windows Vista Windows System Configuration
i2omp.sys Windows Vista Windows System Configuration
i8042prt.sys Microsoft® Windows® Operating System i8042 Port Driver
iagpio.sys Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver
iai2c.sys Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Driver Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Driver
iaiogpio.sys Intel(R) Atom(TM) Processor GPIO Controller Intel(R) Atom(TM) Processor GPIO Controller Driver
iaioi2c.sys Intel(R) Atom(TM) Processor I2C Controller Intel(R) Atom(TM) Processor I2C Controller Driver
ialmnt5.sys Intel Graphics Accelerator Drivers for Windows NT(R) Intel Graphics Miniport Driver