
List of files which names starts with letter H

Filename Software name Description
HPZUILHN.DLL HP-brugerflade Dynamic Link Library
HPZUIW71.DLL HP UI واجهة مستخدم HP
hpzuiw72.dll HP UI Dynamic Link Library
HPZUIWN7.DLL HP UI برنامج تشغيل طابعة علبة الوارد لـ Hewlett-Packard Vista
hpzurw71.dll HP Generic Bitmaps HP Generic Bitmaps
hpzurw72.dll HP Generic Bitmaps HP Generic Bitmaps
hpzvuw72.dll HP UI Dynamic Link Library
HrtfApo.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System HrtfApo.dll
hrtz.dll Zone.com Zone Game DLL - Hearts
Hrtzres.dll Zone.com Zone Datafile
hticons.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System HyperTerminal Applet Library
HTMDLGS.DLL Microsoft Development Environment VB7 HTML Dialogs
htmdlgsUI.dll Microsoft Development Environment VB7 HTML Dialogs Resources
HTMED.DLL Microsoft Development Environment Visual Basic HTML Editor DLL
HTMEDUI.DLL Microsoft Development Environment Visual Basic HTML Editor DLL
HTMMINTL.DLL Microsoft Word Internet OLE Controls HTML Multimedia OLE Controls
HTMQINTL.DLL Microsoft Word Internet OLE Controls HTML OLE Controls
htrn_jis.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System HyperTerminal Applet Library
httpapi.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System HTTP Protocol Stack API
httpext.dll Internet Information Services HTTP Extensions for Windows NT
httpmb51.dll Internet Information Services HTTP Server SNMP Agent
httpod51.dll Internet Information Services Microsoft ODBC HTTP Server Extension
httpprxc.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Proxy Manager Provider RPC interface
httpprxm.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Proxy Manager
httpprxp.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Proxy Manager Provider RPC interface
HttpsDataSource.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Https Data Source Library
htui.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Common halftone Color Adjustment Dialogs
hvsigpext.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
hwxcht.dll Microsoft Chinese (Taiwan) Handwriting Recognizer HWXCHT - IV - Desktop
hwxjpn.dll Microsoft Japanese Handwriting Recognizer HWXJPN - V - Desktop
hwxkor.dll Microsoft Korean Handwriting Recognizer HWXKOR - IV - Desktop
HWXUSA.DLL Microsoft English Handwriting Recognizer avalusa
HxCalendar.dll Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Office 2016 component
HxComm.dll Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Communications
HxComm.Ipc.Proxies.dll Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Communications IPC Proxies
hxcommintl.dll Windows 10 Dynamic Link Library
hxds.dll Microsoft ® Help 2.5 Microsoft® Help Data Services Module
hxdsui.dll Office 2010 Dynamic Link Library
HxM.dll Microsoft Office 2016 Microsoft Outlook Mail
HxOutlook.Resources.dll Microsoft Office 2016 HxOutlook.Resources
hxoutlookintl.dll Microsoft Office 2016 HxOutlook Intl Resources
hypertrm.dll Microsoft® Windows® Operating System HyperTerminal Applet Library
HYPH32.DLL Office 95 Microsoft Houghton Mifflin ICS DLL
HPBCMYK_sRGB.dpb Windows 10 DataPilot Backup
hpiat.dpb Windows 10 DataPilot Backup
hpiaz.dpb Windows 10 DataPilot Backup
hpis.dpb Windows 10 DataPilot Backup
HEADINGBB.DPV Office 2010 Siemens NX Drafting Standard Filed
hpfscw73.dtd Windows 7 Document Type Definition
HPZSCLHN.DTD Windows Vista Document Type Definition