
EXE File Extension - Elenco di file

Nome del file Nome del software Descrizione
WSCollect.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System This tool collects Windows Store log files
wscript.exe Microsoft ® Windows Script Host Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host
WSHost.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Store Broker
WSManHTTPConfig.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System WSMan HTTP Configuration File
wsmprovhost.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Host process for WinRM plug-ins
wsqmcons.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows SQM Consolidator
WSReset.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System This tool resets the Windows Store without changing account settings or deleting installed apps
wuapihost.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System wuapihost
wuapp.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Update Application Launcher
wuauclt.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Update
wuauclt1.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Update AutoUpdate Client
WUDFHost.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Host Process
wupdmgr.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Update Manager for NT
wusa.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Windows Update Standalone Installer
WWAHost.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Microsoft WWA Host
WZCNFLCT.EXE Conflict Viewer Replication Conflict Viewing and Resolution for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 and Microsoft Jet 4.0
XamlViewer_v0300.exe Windows 7 Windows Executable
XblGameSaveTask.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System XblGameSave Standby Task
XBox.TCUI.exe Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System TCUI.UAP
XboxApp.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
XboxIdp.exe Windows 10 Windows Executable
xcopy.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Extended Copy Utility
xlicons.exe Microsoft Office 2010 Microsoft Office 2010 component
xlog.exe Diva for Windows - Version 7.7 AMD64 Diva for Windows - Version 7.7 AMD64
XLVISEX.EXE Office 95 Windows Executable
xpnetdiag.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Network Diagnostic for Windows XP
xpsrchvw.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System XPS Viewer
XPSViewer.exe Windows Vista Windows Executable
xwizard.exe Microsoft® Windows® Operating System Extensible Wizards Host Process
zClientm.exe Zone.com Zone Datafile
_isdel.exe Windows 7 Windows Executable